18th of July – Our Second Day!

And so, without realizing how the time passed by, another day of the National Robotics Team’s bootcamp came to an end. We cannot describe it as anything but productive as it was filled with numerous challenges, meetings with our sponsors, the enjoyable break with a concert from a local school, and above all, the hard work of all the members.

Once again, we experienced many “Magical Moments” all together and discussed them while the sun set. We all felt an indescribable feeling of adrenaline and unimaginable sense of teamwork from the tasks assigned to us by Mr. Perlantidis, our coach. We also had the unique experience of presenting our team and goals to our sponsors. This allowed all of us to develop our social skills and learn how to effectively explain the results of our hard work and everything behind the scenes. Our sponsor’s speeches, especially the one from the president of the American Farming School, Jeff Lansdale, left a lasting impression, inspiring and motivating us to focus more on the questions we ask rather than the answers we receive.

To help us get more comfortable with each other and “break the ice”, Eduact’s team had prepared a party giving us the chance to get to know each other better and most importantly, have a good time. The incredibleband“SKARLET” made sure we took a break from robotics and sang along with them and the amazing classic rock and metal songs they performed so dynamically! Additionally, the refreshing stand with mocktails and soft drinks kept us cool throughout the event. All of these things resulted in us having the time literal of our lives and forming friend groups.

Finally, we all were eager to go to our beds early after such a fun but long day, however, the excitement of completing all the deliverables for the next day combined with the energetic groups that we had formed, didn’t allow us to rest just yet.

20th of July – Our Fourth day!

20th of July – Our Fourth day!

Another exciting and fulfilling day came to an end! Here are the highlights, the “Magical Moments”, that remained unforgettable to our team. After our usual gathering for breakfast, we headed to the field where Dr. Daniel E. Martin talked to us...

17th of July – Our First Day!

17th of July – Our First Day!

Today was the first day of our Greek National Robotics team's boot camp, at the American Farming School. Since we are about 70 members, from many different parts of Greece, it actually was our first time meeting the people we'd been...

19th of July – Our Third Day!

19th of July – Our Third Day!

Another fascinating day of the Bootcamp came to a close with a debriefing of our “Magical Moments”. Various experiences were shared and we concluded that each person perceives both the workshops and speeches of distinguished individuals who believe in the vision...